Mayra es curiosa
Se acercaba el día de su cumpleaños, el de Mayra, una niña curiosa a quien le costaba esperar. Al verla llena de impaciencia y emoción, su padre le entregó un calendario para que fuera tachando los días.
Pero antes de la fecha llegó un paquete a su casa, ¡oh sorpresa! Una caja misteriosa que la niña no debía abrir...
¿Tendrá la fuerza suficiente para no abrir esa extraña caja? Acompaña a Mayra a descubrir el valor y la alegría de esperar pacientemente por aquello que deseamos.
Mayra is curious
Mayra, a curious gril who found it hard to wait, was approaching her birthday. Seeing her full of impattience and exciment, her father gave her a calendar so she could cross off the days.
But just before the date a package arrived at her house, oh, surprise! A mysterious box that the little girl was not supposed to open?
Will she be strong enough not to open this strange box? Join Mayra as she discovers the courage and hoy of waiting patiently for what we want.
Bilingual children's book: Spanish - English
Author: Faviola Rodríguez
Editorial: PanHouseType of book: bilingual children's book
Languages: Spanish - English
ISBN: 978-980-437-069-4
Year of issue: 2021